
Love a little competition? Join our monthly contest for a chance to win a $100 gift card, and a swag pack from The Golf Studio.

March 2024

Closest to the Pin at Coeur D'Alene

Try to stick one close on this beautiful 14th hole island green at Coeur D'Alene Resort.

Attempts: 3
Shots: 3

JOIN CODE: 7a471

View Leaderboard

How to Enter

  1. First, sign up for a free FSX Live account here. It's the best way to track your progress at the studio and join contests!
  2. Book your tee time and come into The Golf Studio
  3. Once at the studio, click on "Games" from the main menu
  4. In the Games section, click Closest to the Pin
  5. Find our monthly contest, click on it, and join!

If you need help or have questions, feel free to reach out at